Jewelry Candles Hostess Incentives (Party Plan)

Jewelry Candles Hostess Incentives

Here are our much anticipated, brand new, Jewelry Candles Hostess Incentives! PARTY WITH JEWELRY CANDLES!

Below is the chart explaining the Hostess Rewards program. If you have any questions about them please don't hesitate to message us if we are online via our support bubble (lower right-hand corner) on our website, or contact us.

 $300 to $399 in sales

  • Hostess gets to order 1 item on website at 30% off and gets 1 free piece of Jewelry.  (Just sell 12 candles for example and you get your hostess a free piece of jewelry!) 

$400 to $499 in sales

  • Hostess gets to order 2 items on website at 30% off and get a $25 voucher to use to purchase items on our website or from catalog on whatever items they want.   (Just sell 16 candles for example and your hostess gets a $25 voucher!)

$500 to $599 in sales

  • Hostess gets to order 2 items on website at 30% off and get a $40 voucher to use to purchase items on our website or from catalog on whatever items they want.   (Just sell 20 candles for example and  your hostess gets a $40 voucher!)

$600 to $799 in sales

  • Hostess gets to order 2 items on website at 30% off and get a $55 voucher to use to purchase items on our website or from catalog on whatever items they want.

$800 to $899 in sales

  • Hostess gets to order 2 items on website at 30% off and get a $70 voucher to use to purchase items on our website or from catalog on whatever items they want.   

$900 to $999 in sales

  • Hostess gets to order 3 items on website at 30% off and get a $85 voucher to use to purchase items on our website or from catalog on whatever items they want.    

$1000 to $1100 in sales

  • Hostess gets to order 3 items on website at 30% off and get a $100 voucher to use to purchase items on our website or from catalog on whatever items they want. 

$1200 to $1299 in sales

  • Hostess gets to order 3 items on website at 30% off and get a $120 voucher to use to purchase items on our website or from catalog on whatever items they want.  

$1300 and up in sales

  • Hostess gets to order 4 items on website at 30% off and get a $135 voucher to use to purchase items on our website or from catalog on whatever items they want.


The production in sales does NOT count shipping costs so the numbers ABOVE in the chart indicate true sales volume of parties not counting shipping costs. 

Also please be sure ALL customers are billed separately for shipping , no combined shipping please that is not allowed:) We will ship products directly to customers after the party has been had and the orders placed by the Jewelry Candles rep with us. Customers at your parties will get their candles within 7 days from the party or when the Jewelry Candles rep puts the order in with us!