Assurance on Cash-Infused Products' Integrity (Cash Guarantee!)

Dear Valued Customers,

We want to assure you of the integrity of our cash candles, cash wax melts, and all our other cash-infused products, along with the cash they contain. We have implemented rigorous quality control measures to ensure every cash-infused product includes at least the $2 bill minimum. Our process includes several checks and balances for each product.

The final quality assurance step involves scanning all cash products with metal detectors to confirm the presence of aluminum foil, which secures the cash within the products. This process guarantees that all cash-infused products shipped from our facility include the promised cash.

While we understand that some customers may not receive larger cash prizes, we want to emphasize that our processes make it impossible for any cash-infused product to be shipped without cash inside.

We appreciate your trust in our products and hope you have an excellent experience. Thank you for your support and understanding.

Best regards,